Episode 4

Decoding Synchronicity: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Universe through Stargate Numerology System with Yah-El Melchizedek

As humans, we have always been fascinated by patterns and coincidences in our lives. From finding a lucky penny on the street to meeting someone who shares our birthday, these moments can feel like more than just chance occurrences. But what if there were deeper, hidden patterns at play in the universe? That is the idea behind the intriguing concept of Numerology.

Meet Yah-El Melchizedek, a seasoned numerologist and expert in synchronicity and sacred geometry with over 30 years of experience. His remarkable encounters with synchronicity and supernatural phenomena, including ET contact, have inspired him to develop the Stargate Oracle System of Numerology. With this system, he deciphers messages of angel numbers, twin flame phenomenon, and biblical codes such as the 144,000.

Let's explore the hidden patterns that may be lurking just beyond our perception. Join us on a journey to discover the secrets of the universe and the power of numbers.

You'll learn the following:

  • Discover the hidden message within the linguistic system using numerology.
  • Understand the meaning behind numbers and their relationship to synchronistic events and gain insights into the deeper workings of the universe in your own lives.
  • Uncover the unique vibration and energy that can impact your life and shape your personality and experience the transformative benefits of this energy in improving your overall health and enhancing your relationships.

"What sets my system and reckoning of numerology apart from the older systems is that it's entirely based on living phenomenon." - Yah-El Melchizedek

Topics Covered:

00:00 - Introduction

02:52 - What is Stargate Numerology Systems and how it works

09:49 - Interpreting Angel Numbers

11:51 - Healing found in Angel Numbers

14:09 - Deciphering algorithms and sequences behind our names, dates and times of birth

17:14 - Understanding of frequency and hearing of sound as a way to heal wounds and traumas

26:09 - Astrology as it relates to numerology

27:14 - A numerology system like no other that helps people's health and relationship problems

30:35 - His own perspective of the Ascension Process

37:16 - Interpreting a linguistic system with numerology

40:00 - The best way you can reach out to Joel

40:38 - Taking a look and understanding how the Stargate Numerology process works

48:32 - Why it matters to trust the process

50:24 - Conclusion

Connect with Yah-El Melchizedek:

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Into the Light! with Edina Mauvana

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Edina Mauvana

Edina Mauvana is the author of the upcoming new release “Ascension is the new Attraction!”. She is a Spirituality Consultant, creator of the Unity Consciousness Collective, and thought leader specializing in Ascension Journey Mapping™ and Understanding the Jinn Imperative. Edina is also the founder of the #NotThatKindofMuslim campaign on social media. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, she is dedicated to raising awareness about Ascension and spiritual growth.