Episode 3

Mythbusting Holistic Entrepreneurship: The Truth about Personal Alignment for Success with Multi Talented Intuitive Coach Rachel Balunsat

Have you heard the myths about holistic entrepreneurship and personal alignment for success? Believe it or not, there are many misconceptions about this path to success. Some of these myths suggest that personal alignment is too hard to achieve or that it will take too long. Others believe that taking a holistic approach doesn’t work. But Rachel Balunsat is here to tell  you the truth! Join her to learn about holistic entrepreneurship and personal alignment for success.

Introducing Rachel Balunsat, a multitalented intuitive coach who specializes in helping clients connect with their soulmate client using a blend of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, etheric plane communication, and NLP. As a teacher of divine feminine principles and Karmic Clearings, Rachel is passionate about empowering women to create successful businesses that align with their values. Having triumphed over her own health journey, she is also a regenerative health practitioner and an advocate for holistic entrepreneurship. Rachel's approach ensures that her clients can achieve personal alignment and success in all aspects of life.

You'll learn the following:

  1. Integrate personal alignment for a holistic approach to entrepreneurship.
  2. Elevate your self-awareness through meditation and mindfulness techniques.
  3. Synchronize personal and professional roles as a successful female entrepreneur. 

"I do believe that our businesses are actually a place for spiritual development. - Rachel Balunsat"

Topics Covered:

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 02:28 - Alchemical Hypnotherapy and Etheric Plane Communication
  • 04:17 - Holistic Approach to Entrepreneurship
  • 12:24 - Cultivating Psychic Abilities
  • 13:45 - Visualization and Meditation
  • 15:46 - Connecting to Higher Energy Patterns
  • 19:21 - Nature Deficit Disorder
  • 23:57 - Working Through Money Blocks
  • 25:39 - Empowering Through Limiting Beliefs
  • 26:50 - Creating Authentic Business Offerings
  • 29:47 - Attracting Soulmate Clients
  • 30:08 - Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energies
  • 31:57 - Launch of Ovum Course
  • 33:40 - Conclusion

Connect with Rachel Balunsat:

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Into the Light! with Edina Mauvana

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Edina Mauvana

Edina Mauvana is the author of the upcoming new release “Ascension is the new Attraction!”. She is a Spirituality Consultant, creator of the Unity Consciousness Collective, and thought leader specializing in Ascension Journey Mapping™ and Understanding the Jinn Imperative. Edina is also the founder of the #NotThatKindofMuslim campaign on social media. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, she is dedicated to raising awareness about Ascension and spiritual growth.