Episode 55

Conscious Living and True Purpose: Insights from Spiritual Guide Kristen Bielecki

In today's fast-paced and materialistic world, many of us feel disconnected from our true selves, our purpose, and the profound beauty that exists within and around us. We get caught up in the daily grind, constantly bombarded by external stimuli, and lose sight of what truly matters.

This disconnection can lead to a deep sense of dissatisfaction, emptiness, and even physical ailments. When we neglect our spiritual and emotional well-being, we become trapped in a cycle of stress, anxiety, and unfulfillment. Despite our best efforts to find happiness through external means, we continue to feel a void that cannot be filled by material possessions or temporary pleasures.

Enter Kristen Margo Bielecki, a spiritual guide, medical intuitive, and energy healer who has dedicated her life to helping others awaken to their true potential and live a life of conscious vitality. Through her own transformative journey, which began in her teenage years, Kristen developed a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the profound power of meditation, plant-based nutrition, and energy healing.

In this "Into The Light" podcast episode, Kristen shares her incredible story and provides practical insights and guidance for those seeking to embark on their own path of self-discovery. By exploring multi-dimensional realms, witnessing the profound beauty of creation, and facilitating conscious living, Kristen's mission is to help you realize your true purpose and live a life filled with vitality, joy, and fulfillment.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true master of conscious living. Join Kristen on this journey and unlock the doorways to a life of profound meaning, connection, and inner peace.

Topics Covered:

00:00 - Introduction

02:00 - Kristen shares how her perspective on life shifted during her teenage years, leading her to question conventional norms and embrace alternative lifestyles like vegetarianism and veganism.

10:00 - Kristen discusses her decision to return to Catholic school for seventh and eighth grade after struggling with her sense of well-being in public school due to bullying.

20:00 - Kristen shares her journey of embracing her intuitive gifts and aligning with her spiritual purpose.

30:00 - the importance of unwinding traumatic experiences and shifting our perspective to break free from repetitive patterns in our lives.

40:00 - the importance of engaging in a purification process on multiple levels—mentally, emotionally, and physically.

51:00 - Conclusion

Connect with Kristen Bielecki:

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Into the Light! with Edina Mauvana

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Edina Mauvana

Edina Mauvana is the author of the upcoming new release “Ascension is the new Attraction!”. She is a Spirituality Consultant, creator of the Unity Consciousness Collective, and thought leader specializing in Ascension Journey Mapping™ and Understanding the Jinn Imperative. Edina is also the founder of the #NotThatKindofMuslim campaign on social media. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, she is dedicated to raising awareness about Ascension and spiritual growth.